Canuk Gear offers many convenient ways to pay for your order.
1. You will be able to select your payment method during checkout. Full payment instructions will be provided on the screen and in a confirmation email.
2. Orders must be paid for in full before any goods will be shipped.
3. You will be charged in CAD (Canadian Dollars).
4. Prices displayed in other currencies (USD, EUR, GBP) are approximate, as they are recalculated daily from CAD for your reference.
5. Due to currency conversion and rounding, the amount you see on the screen will usually be slightly different to the amount on your statement.
6. Customers are responsible for bank transfer charges.
7. Customers are responsible for Import Duty/Tax in their respective countries where applicable.
8. Please note, only one discount / coupon code applies per order.
We accept the following methods of payment:
✓ Credit / Debit Card (MasterCard) - CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE
We cannot accept cards that are not registered for international use if you are ordering outside of Canada. Your payment will be declined automatically by the banks.
We use overseas banks through our processing company: Payofix.
You will receive an email from Payofix with your transaction status (IE: Approved or declined) and transaction reference ID - which is how the charge will appear on your credit card statement.
✓ International Money Order/Cashier’s Check (USD or CAD only)
Money Orders or Cashier's Check are to be made payable to NASB Inc. and sent to: NASB Inc, 91 King Street, Suite 174, Bowmanville, L1C 5E2, Ontario, CANADA.
If you are paying by Money Order and are located outside of Canada, please ensure you are sending an International Money Order. (CAD or USD only). If you are paying by Check - We can ONLY accept Cashier’s Checks. We do not accept personal checks.
Please include your order number and use a bubble envelope and registered mail for safety.
✓ Cash - Please include your order number and use a bubble envelope and registered mail for safety. We cannot be held responsible for cash lost in the post.
✓ Bank Transfer (Canada and USA only) - Details will be provided during checkout. Please include your order number as a reference.
Please email your Bank Transfer receipt to: [email protected]. Please pay close attention to the email you will receive from us with your order confirmation for further instruction. Once funds are confirmed as received your order will be invoiced and dispatched. Confirmation of Bank Transfers generally takes 3-5 business days.
✓ E-Transfers - Are available for Canadian customers only.
If you have any questions regarding payment please contact us and we'll be happy to help.
Our online sales are 3D Secure, 256 bit encrypted and hacker safe making it a very safe place to enter your details. All phone order payments are put through a secure VSP terminal online and once the payment goes through, we do not hold any records of clients credit/debit card details and all other client information remains highly confidential.